Italo Orientale Chamber of Commerce, founded in Bari in 1924, recognized by the Ministry of Economic Development (formerly Foreign Trade) in 1998, and registered in the register of mixed and foreign Chambers of Commerce in Italy held by Unioncamere, promotes and favors economic relations between Italy and foreign countries , with particular regard to those of the Balkan area (Albania, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Hungary, etc.) and Eastern ( Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, India, etc.).

This is also evident when reading the Statute, where the aims of the body are highlighted: “The Chamber has the purpose of promoting and favoring the development of commercial, cultural, tourist and social exchanges between Italy and the countries East of Puglia . To this end, the Chamber aims to “:

  • to draw the attention of Governments and Bodies, in the sphere of action of the Chamber, to the provisions of an economic, cultural and social nature that can benefit the development of reciprocal relations;
  • to raise awareness and appreciation of Italian, and in particular Apulian, production in the aforementioned countries;
  • promote the dissemination of information, including economic information, useful for promoting collaboration between companies and developing business opportunities;
  • contribute to the organization and participation in events that can promote exchanges between Italy and the above countries;
  • to promote and organize meetings and studies in relation to all issues concerning relations, cultural, tourist and social in the countries mentioned above;
  • grant patronage to all those initiatives that can become a promotional tool for the Chamber;

Why become a member of the chamber?


Facilitations in contacts between member companies and foreign countries, with the receipt by email for members only of offers and unique advantages.


Assistance in financing practices for internationalization or in the search for commercial, industrial and professional partners abroad.


Realization of events (conferences, seminars, etc.) aimed at cooperation and commercial exchange.

Conventions and concessions

Agreements and benefits for members from affiliated companies.